> What fruits can dogs eat? (and which are bad for them?)夏天切勿随意投喂狗狗水果 你知道哪些水果狗狗不能碰吗?
What fruits are bad for dogs?哪些水果对狗狗有害?
Avocado: The avocado pit, skin, and leaves contain persin and are toxic to dogs. The fleshy part of an avocado does not contain as much persin and can be given to your dog in small amounts, but some dogs don’t tolerate any amount of avocado.牛油果:牛油果的果核、果皮和叶子含有的甘油酸对狗有毒。牛油果肉中甘油酸含量不高,可以少量喂食,但有些狗完全吃不了。
Citrus fruits: While not toxic to dogs, citrus fruits like lemons, limes and grapefruits can give them an upset stomach.柑橘类水果:虽然对狗没有毒性,但柠檬、酸橙和葡萄柚等柑橘类水果会引起狗的胃部不适。
Grapes/Raisins: Grapes, and their dried cousins, raisins, are extremely toxic to dogs and can lead to acute kidney failure. They should not be given to dogs.葡萄/葡萄干:葡萄和葡萄干对狗有剧毒,可导致急性肾衰竭。不能给狗食用。
Cherries: Avoid giving your dog cherries, as the pit and stems can cause intestinal blockage. The pit is also extremely toxic to dogs.樱桃:避免给狗狗吃樱桃,因为樱桃核和樱桃梗会导致肠梗阻。果核对狗也有剧毒。
What fruits are healthiest for dogs?哪些水果对狗狗最健康?
Some fruits are healthier for your dog than others, either due to the nutritional benefits or their low sugar and calorie content.一些水果对狗狗来说比其他水果更健康,这是因为它们的营养价值高,或糖分热量较低。
The healthiest fruits to feed your dog include the following:以下水果最适合喂狗:
Blueberries: Fresh blueberries provide a plethora of antioxidants and fiber for your dog.蓝莓:新鲜蓝莓可为狗狗提供大量抗氧化剂和纤维。
Watermelon: With its high-water content, watermelons are a great summer treat for your dog, especially since they are also high in vitamin A, C and B-6.西瓜:西瓜含水量高,是狗狗夏季的最佳零食,西瓜还富含维生素A、C和B-6。
How much fruit can a dog have?狗狗吃多少水果合适?
Even when feeding your dog fruits that are safe and nutritious, you should always practice moderation.即使在给狗狗喂食安全且营养丰富的水果时,也应该适可而止。
It is recommended to stick to the 90-10 rule. Ninety percent of their diet should be their regular food, and 10 percent can be healthy treats that include fruits and vegetables.建议坚持9:1原则,在狗狗的饮食中,90%应该是它们的常规食物,10%可以是包括水果和蔬菜在内的健康零食。
If your dog has underlying medical conditions or is fed a prescription diet, it’s always safest to contact your veterinarian first before adding fruits to their diet.如果您的爱犬有潜在的疾病或正在服用处方药,那么在它们的饮食中添加水果之前,最好先联系兽医。
Dr. Zach Mills says that even seemingly risk-free fruits can lead to digestive upset, diarrhea and vomiting.扎克•米尔斯博士表示,即使是看似无害的水果,也可能导致消化不良、腹泻和呕吐。
Mills says pet owners should look for the following symptoms:米尔斯说,宠物主人应该注意以下症状:
GI upset消化道不适
Loss of appetite食欲不振
Loose stool or diarrhea稀便或腹泻
> Word of the day丨World Intelligence Expo每日一词丨世界智能产业博览会
The 2024 World Intelligence Expo is held in Tianjin from June 20 to 23. The expo is co-hosted by North China's Tianjin Municipality and Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, combining two events formerly known as the World Intelligence Congress in Tianjin and the Smart China Expo in Chongqing.中国国际智能产业博览会将与世界智能大会合并成世界智能产业博览会,由重庆市人民政府与天津市人民政府共同主办。2024世界智能产业博览会将于6月20日至23日在天津举行。
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